Exactly three weeks ago I hit the launch button on www.uplifting.design. The moment was a mix of excitement and trepidation. "Would anyone care? Would there be crickets? Maybe there aren't any other Chief Design Advisors for a reason." All these doubts and others raced fleetingly through my brain as I simultaneously felt the excitement of going back to my consulting roots.
All my doubts melted away after tens of thousands of visits of my first post and website, hundreds of comments and precious words of encouragement, and then dozens of you signed up for the Uplifting Design newsletter and reached out for mentoring and other services - thank you for your curiosity and support!
I'll be getting back to all of the mentees this week, as I juggle 6 CEO meetings to explore elite advisories. Also, within 48 hours of launching I was signed by the most prestigious speakers bureau to become their 31st design speaker. The Washington Speakers Bureau (WSB) has the likes of Platon and Steve Wozniak, and I'm honored to be amongst such company!
Finally, towards the end of the week I landed my first keynote gig with the WSB. More to come on that in next week's update, but teaser: it also involves the soft-launch of my book and takes me back to a city that I once called home.
In deep gratitude for the first Uplifting Design advocates,
// dan
Dan Makoski // Chief Design Advisor